Course curriculum

  • 01

    ACLA 1

    • 02-Sarah Lloyd Introduction

    • 03-ACL Intro

    • 04-ACL Theory

    • 05-Third Mechanism Injury

    • 06-ACL Portion

    • 07-Strength Phase

    • 08-Early Plyometrics

    • 09-Quad Strength

    • 10-Plyometrics

    • 11-Cognitive Load

    • 12-Plyo Progressions

    • 13-Thank You

    • 14-Stephen Portee Introduction

  • 02

    ACLA 2

    • 01-Drop Landing

    • 02-Box Jump

    • 03-Depth Jump

    • 04-Lateral Box Jump

    • 05-Vertical Jump

    • 06-Broad Jump

    • 07-Multi Planar Jump

    • 08-Repeat Vertical Jump

    • 18-Single Leg Repeat Vertical Jump

    • 19-Single Leg Repeat Broad Jump

    • 16-Single Leg Broad Jump

    • 15-Single Leg Vertical Jump

    • 21-Repeat Effort Box Jump

    • 10-Over and Back

    • 12-Multi Planar Repeat Jumps

    • 11-Repeat Broad Jump

    • 20-Single Leg Multi Planer Jumps

    • 17-Single Leg

    • 13-Single Leg Box Jump

    • 09-Repeat Lateral Jumps

    • 14-Single Leg Depth Jump

  • 03

    ACLA 3

    • 01-First Week to Two Weeks of Rehab

    • 02-Prone TKE

    • 03-Terminal Knee Extension

    • 04-Short Arc Quad

    • 05-Straight Leg Raise

    • 06-Non Weight Bearing Exercise

    • 07-Terminal Knee Extension

    • 08-Gait Training

    • 09-High Knee Gait

    • 10-Butt Kickers

    • 11-Quad Strength

    • 12-Mini Squat

    • 13-Loading Quads

    • 14-Wall Sit

    • 15-Step Up Step Down

    • 16-Lunge Variations

    • 17-Single Leg Loading

    • 18-Rehab Sticking Points

    • 19-Anterior Knee Pain

  • 04

    ACLA 4

    • 01-Post OP ACL

    • 02-Lateral Step Down-

    • 03-Intro to Plyos

    • 04-Plyo Drop

    • 05-Elevated Surface Plyo

    • 06-Eccentric Load

    • 07-Plyo Progressions

    • 08-Sagittal Plane Motions

    • 09-Concentric VS Eccentric

    • 10-Add Anterior Component

    • 11-Single Leg Hurdle Hop Test

    • 12-Programming for Plyos

    • 13-Neurocognitive Elements

    • 14-Proactive to Reactive

    • 15-Sport Specific Movements

    • 16-Different Phases

  • 05

    ACLA 5

    • 01-S Runs

    • 02-Quarter Turn Run

    • 03-Half Curve Turn

    • 04-Full Circle Run

    • 05-Bilateral Deceleration Series

    • 06-Single Leg Decelaration Series(Split Stance)

    • 07-Lateral Shuffle

    • 08-Bilateral Decelaration Series(Reactive)

    • 09-Simple Backpedal

    • 10-Transition Series(Forward Sprint-Backpedal)

    • 11-Transition Series(Forward Sprint-Hip Turn-Backpedal)

    • 12-Transition Series(Forward Sprint-Lateral Shuffle)

    • 13-Transition Series(Linear Transtion)

    • 14-Transition Series(135 Degree Cut)

    • 15-Transition Series(45 Degree Cut)

    • 16-Six Cone Drill

    • ACL Course Questions

    • ACL Course Feedback Form